Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I've been overwhelmed with SO MUCH going on in life. These past couple of weeks have been a blur, and for the most part, I'm thankful that there aren't many specifics I remember.

We started school on August 1. That means we have completed 14 out of our 36 weeks and nearly 70 out of our 180 days of school. My math may be off (cause my noggin hurts so bad right now that I want to vomit), but I tell ya that so you can understand that the routine has started to make us all a bit wonky. We need a break from the norm, and Thanksgiving cannot come soon enough.

My brilliant little man has started daydreaming. My precious little princess has started screaming, and I...well, I'm grasping at just about anything to keep us sane for the next couple of weeks before the break.

I've changed up our routing majorly this week in effort to keep the sponges soaking in all the wonderful things they need to learn. It's helped some. There is still daydreaming and shenanigans, but we have had a much better week. In fact, I was thrilled when we started the day out with some laughter and lighthearted fun instead of shouting and arguing.

Andrew and Elizabeth were running and got a little tangled up and took a big fall. Lizzy knocked her head on the concrete and caused us some concern, but it turns out that she really is made of rubber...at least that's what we have said apparently loud enough for a certain 3 year old to hear and get confused about. Today when I asked her if I could kiss her noggin (which now just looks like a rug burn with a teensy scab) she told me "no b/c it's all better now. It's just that rubber thing." But she did allow me to kiss her sweet little cheek after we shared some giggles over her cute rubber head.

Then, Andrew took great delight in telling me that Lizzy didn't wake him up for once. He said, "usually I just lay there biting my tongue so I don't yell at Lizzy for playing with all my toys." When Lizzy heard that, she shouted "no No NO, Andrew don't bite your tongue b/c it will hurt." Andrew and I giggled at her desire to prevent Andrew from pain, but who wouldn't giggle after hearing a sweet little girl with her high pitched squeaky little voice shout a sweet warning to her precious big brother. And don't you just love her new fascination with saying the word b/c in every sentence. Until now, her the part after the b/c didn't make any sense, but today she put it all together to tell me 2 very adorable stories.

Then, on the way to physical therapy, Andrew shared his smarties (that he got at school...er well our co-op) with Lizzy. Lizzy held up the last one that Andrew was willing to share and shouted, "I'm gonna give this one to Daddy." A full minute went by (during which time I was thinking how to coerce Mat into eating the candy), and then Andrew said, "Aww...Lizzy just eat the whole thing." Apparently, holding the sugar candy proved to be too much temptation for the 3 year old, and she started to nibble around the periphery of the small candy re-wrapping the tiny few bits of sugar that remained to still give to her Daddy. Upon her brothers request, she shoved the rest right into her mouth with a smile.

Today, I'm thankful for the insanity that homeschool brings to our household. There are days that I would like to hide in the closet, drop my kids off at the fire station or let them play in the street, but the few sweet things make every single bit of the craziness worthwhile. And now, while you may be thinking that my threats sound like something I'd do, remember that I'm the crazy hyper-paranoid mother that doesn't even let my kids go to school more less let them outside out of my sight in danger for 2 seconds. I love those two kids, and I am so thankful to get to watch them grow daily. I love seeing their ah-ha moments, cuddling them when they get hurt, and watching them play together. Their insanity makes me whole b/c it's what I've been called to do!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy all you can. You and Mat are so blessed even in moments of insanity. I love and miss all of you and am sorry I won't get to see you over the Thanksgiving Holidays.
