Our Family

Our Family

Friday, April 13, 2012

What a Mighty God we Serve

Sometimes I just sit in awe of God's mighty power. Today I'm reminded of the scripture where it says if we don't praise him that even the rocks will cry out.

Often, I become so wrapped up in my own little world: the kids fighting, the move we are facing, the complications with relationships, the drama of politics and how it effects me, arranging this or that, how the neighbor responds to my children, and even complaining about my headache, lack or sleep or how my toe hurts. All of those are valid things to struggle through, and they are things we all care about. Our day started with Andrew calling Lizzy a *butthead* (yep, awful to admit my son has that horrible word in his vocabulary) so I washed his mouth out with soap with Lizzy standing close by so she would know what would happen to her if she uses ugly words. Then they continued to bicker and fight and giggle over naughtiness.

That's just fine, but when I am in the middle of my complications, I often forget how mighty and powerful God is.

Today, I got a very special phone call. It was from my uncle. He is a great person, and I've always had a good relationship with him. Within the past few years, he has come to know Christ, and his life has completely changed. Before he was worldly, and I can't believe how Christ has changed him. Our conversations are full of love and of Christ's love for us now. No matter what we discuss, Christ is the center of the conversations. For those of you who know my family, you know that God getting a hold of my uncle has been a mighty and powerful thing.

So while I'm in the middle of 100 different things (and since the kids are enjoying a fun Friday movie), I wanted to take a minute to share how God got my attention to praise him in the middle of my challenging day. He wanted the praise, and he sent a phone call from my uncle to remind me of that.

So in spite of your challenges today try to think of God's blessings, his mighty power, and take time to praise HIM.

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