Our Family

Our Family

Friday, June 14, 2013


 I have been on a crafty kick this week.  I needed a few things so I set out on a trip to find Joann's.  I am learning how to quilt thanks to the encouragement of a sweet lady.  I have a good friend who is about to teach a quilting class, and she was excited to teach me (I'm so excited!).  Not knowing Connecticut very well, I thought to go to the closest craft store (besides Michael's - cause I know they don't sell material) which happens to be A.C. Moore.  I struck out - they don't have material either.  So I asked my GPS to help me find Joann's, and off we went on our adventure.  We stopped for a bit to eat, and I'm so thankful that we did.  My GPS must have taken me to Joann's house cause "you have arrived at your destination" landed us deep in a neighborhood.  We finally found Joann's, and it looked like this:

It was set way far back in a shopping center, and it was RED instead of GREEN.  Not only that, it was the smallest Joann's I'd ever seen.  After driving for an hour in search of the place, we all had to go potty, and they didn't even have a bathroom?!  We had to leave to go find a bathroom.  We did go back to the dumpy Joann's, and I was in search of fabric to make reading pillows (quilted, of course) for both kids.  Missy wanted a ballet pillow, and little man wanted a beach themed pillow.  I thought that I'd make little man a quilted comforter as well.  However, they store was so small that they didn't have material to make either one.  Missy ended up choosing a cupcake pattern, while little man kept his heart set on his beach pillow.

 I started on Missy's quilted pillow.  Here are my first two squares ever.  I had so much fun making them...way easier than I expected, but it's probably cause I had a fantastic teacher!

I searched high and low, but apparently, there is only one person who sells a beach theme for a boys room.  It is Jamie Wood, and her stuff is amazing - but a bit too pricey for me.  Check it out.  It's called Little Surfer Boy: http://www.clothworks.com/collection.asp?ID=393

Today, we went out in search of another Joann's.  This time it was the real deal.  Little man was so excited.  He said, "it's the real one, Mom.  Look, it's the ETC store."  We walked in, and the store had to be 5 times bigger than the store we went to the other day.  Little man went on and on about the store being awesome b/c it was the ETC store.  I couldn't handle it.  I was dying.  I tried to explain what etc. means, and poor Missy got it while Little Man was too excited about the store to listen.  Poor guy...just doesn't get it.  I think Missy was just hanging on my every word as she is just as crafty as her momma.  At the prospect of understanding anything craft related, her little ears perked up.

 I did finally find some not so beach related material.  Little man chose an ocean themed pattern for his pillow.  I'll post pics when I start working on his quilt.  It won't be long.  I bought the materials needed to piece the squared together at home rather than just at my friend's house.  I'm still in search of beach related material b/c I really want to make a beach quilt.

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